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NOTICE TO NON-U.S. RESIDENTS: In making an investment decision, prospective investors must rely on their own examination of the person or entity creating the securities and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. Prospective non-U.S. investors in BJI should seek advice on legal requirements and tax consequences within the countries of their citizenship, residence, domicile and place of business with respect to the acquisition, holding or disposal of the Funds’ shares and any non-U.S. exchange restrictions that may be relevant thereto.                                                                                                       BJI ®All Rights Reserved

BJI -  R.E.I.T  thematically invests in high-quality, stabilized, income-oriented commercial and rental real estate equity and debt primarily in top US markets, with the optionality to extend exposures globally.

BJI differentiated portfolio constructed to generate a balance of defensive income and growth via stabilized real estate, prime single tenant real estate, and real estate debt.

    Blue Jay Incorporated - Real Estate Investment Trust